Older couple enjoying their retirement life

What is an immediate annuity and is it right for you?


为退休做计划,首先要在工作期间存钱,然后逐步建立退休储备金. 然而, it doesn't end t在这里. 退休计划还应该包括解决你退休后的收入需求. 你的 retirement income plan should include covering basic expenses (e.g. housing, utilities, food, insurance). It should also provide income for doing things you enjoy (e.g. travel, buying a new boat). 即时年金是一种金融工具,旨在帮助你创造有保障的终身收入.

The idea of a guaranteed income stream for life from an immediate annuity is appealing for obvious reasons. 但这个金融工具到底是什么,你如何决定它是否适合你? Here are answers to some top questions.

What is an immediate annuity?

即时年金包括保证终身收入,以换取一笔现金. “即时年金”中的“即时”仅仅意味着立即开始支付. They may also be referred to as single premium immediate annuities.

What are the advantages of an immediate annuity?

退休后的储蓄寿命过长是一个普遍的担忧,而即时年金可以保证退休后的生活质量 steady source of income for the rest of your life.

近年来,提供传统退休养老金计划的雇主数量急剧下降. Many employers now offer only a defined contribution plan such as a 401(k). As a result, 今天许多退休的美国人不能像过去那样享受公司养老金的好处. 即时年金为您提供了一个选择,您可以使用退休储蓄的一部分来创造有保障的终身收入.

By providing guaranteed lifetime income, 即时年金也能在你的人生中给你信心和经济保障 retirement years.

Types of immediate annuities

T在这里 are two types of immediate annuities that grow income:

  • Fixed immediate annuities -就固定即时年金而言,你向年金提供者提供一笔一次性付款. In exchange, the provider pays you a consistent amount of income, either for life or a specific period of time. 该金额以固定利率为基础,不随市场变化而波动.
  • Variable immediate annuities – For these annuities, 你选择将支付给年金供应商的款项投资于与股票等资产相关的各种子账户, bonds or money market funds. Because the performance of those assets varies with the market, your income from this type of annuity varies as well. If the assets do well, the amount you receive may increase. If they don’t, you could receive less.

Immediate annuities and deferred annuities

即时年金和延期年金的区别在于你何时开始收到付款. 即时年金的支付可以在你一次性存入之后开始,也可以在之后的第一年内开始. 递延年金至少在一年后的某一天开始支付. They can be funded either with a lump sum or payments over time. 递延年金倾向于支付更高的金额,因为pp王者电子官网公司有更长的时间来投资你的首期付款。.

T在这里 are other types of annuities as well. 做一些研究来收集更多的信息可以帮助你选择 what annuity might be best for you.

What payout options are available with an immediate annuity?

即时年金提供多种选择来定制您的支付. 你可以选择为自己或与他人共同创造有保障的终身收入. 例如,一份即时年金可以为两个人提供终身收入保障, both you and your spouse.

此外,你也可以选择在即时年金中增加一段时间. 这保证了付款将持续你的一生或特定的时期(如.g. 20 years), whichever is longer.

How does an immediate annuity fit into a financial plan?

即时年金可以为那些希望在退休后获得终身收入保障的人提供信心和经济保障. It can also be helpful to those who may be worried that 预计退休后的生活费用可能会超过他们的收入来源. Talk to your local 国营农场® 代理 讨论你的退休目标,看看即时年金是否能帮助解决你的退休收入需求.

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