Man's hands holding an open wallet.

A raise can grow your savings


Congrats on the raise! 别忘了庆祝一下,也给你的储蓄账户增加一些钱.

Life is unexpected. 有时你加薪,有时你的收入停滞不前. Changes in your source of income are inevitable, 但这取决于你如何调整你的储蓄习惯. Whether it's an increase or a temporary decrease, 你的储蓄习惯应该与这种变化相适应. 人生中赚到第一笔钱的时间因人而异. 无论什么时候发生,这都是令人兴奋和值得庆祝的. 但是,一旦你吃完蛋糕,开始制定一个保存的计划. 不要因为有钱就想花钱.

Do you have extra income?

如果你发现自己多了一点钱,一定要庆祝一下,然后制定一个计划. 如果你决定了你想用额外的收入做什么, you can make the most of it when that time comes. 想了解更多关于制定未来支出计划的建议,请查看 Make the Most of Extra Income.

Where to put your money

为了在短期内保持财务稳定,组织起来是很重要的. There are a handful of ways and places to save, 学会在不同的地方存钱会让你在未来保持良好的状态. 一些最受欢迎和推荐的储蓄方式包括:

Savings account

A classic choice. 一般储蓄账户对于短期和长期目标的储蓄都很重要, as well as irregular, but necessary, expenses like car maintenance. 在发薪日创建自动付款是建立这类储蓄账户的一种简单而不需要动脑筋的方法. 另外,找一个收费最低或不收费的储蓄账户,这样你的钱就有更多的机会增值!

Retirement account

Your retirement account can come in multiple forms. There are 401k accounts, which are sponsored by your employer, 或者你可以开一个个人退休账户(IRA). 个人退休账户可以让你的收入在提款前延税增长. 传统个人退休账户和罗斯个人退休账户之间存在关键区别, 所以你需要研究并根据你的情况选择正确的选项. To start comparing today, review 州立农场等公司的退休计划选择.

Emergency fund

紧急情况时有发生,无论是汽车、牙科、孩子或其他意外开支. 所有你必须花钱,但无法计划的东西都属于这一类. If you don't have the cash saved up, you might have to use a credit card, which can create unwanted debt. 通过建立应急基金来帮助控制意外情况! For many people, 这个数字相当于三到六个月的收入, but you can use an emergency fund calculator to determine your own individual need. Remember, 这个储蓄账户里的钱你不能动,除非是为了紧急修理汽车, home repair, medical bills or loss of income. 知道在需要的时候有稳定的财务状况会给你带来安慰.

当你制定你的储蓄计划时,记住,最重要的是平衡. Find out what works for you and your time in life.

另一个建议:自带午餐可以节省很多钱. 外出就餐的好处多多,尤其是当它成为一种日常习惯时. Try packing a lunch to watch your savings grow.

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